UIC Rafael Cintrón Ortiz Latino Cultural Center
The first cultural center at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the center strives to expand the appreciation for–and understanding of–Latino cultures on campus and throughout local communities, as well as to ensure that Latina/o students have a positive self-defined identity and practical tools to help them graduate, join the workforce, and become the next generation of leaders.
Graphic Designer: 2016 – present

LCC Brochure

The LCC supports creative practices to advance social and environmental justice. From student creatives to community artists, these art projects bring diverse people together to advance greater understanding of local issues and solutions they are using to improve community life.
Zona Abierta
(Open Zone) highlights the intersection of arts, humanities, science, culture and civic life with presentations by local, national and international artists, scholars and community leaders about pressing social issues affecting the lives of Latinos and Latin Americans while making connections to other communities.
Civic Cinema
Civic Cinema shows documentary films to engage different voices on campus and neighboring communities in dialogue about pressing social issues. Documentaries are identified to link to academic research on campus and community concerns and leaders that are addressing these issues. A dialogue facilitated by these scholars and community experts follows each documentary film.
Noche De Poetas
(Poetry Night) brings together students and community members from diverse backgrounds to share and compare their life experiences through their own poetic words. Each event is organized around a theme and features a poet from a local community. This program is in partnership with four student organizations: Mexican Students de Aztlán (MeSA), Students for the Advancement of Freedom, Equality and Human Rights (SAFEHR), Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and Union for Puerto Rican Students (UPRS).
Special Programs
Special Programs welcomes a wide arrange of public programs and events in collaboration with affiliated student organizations, faculty/staff, and our community partners. This includes our annual UIC Chicago Latino Film Festival every spring semester in partnership with the International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago.
Telling our stories
Telling Our Stories collects “first voice” stories about universal concerns that Latinos and people around the world share. From personal stories we can help understand each other, learn about creative solutions to solve common problems, and connect our aspirations and actions for a sustainable world.
Map of the University of Illinois at Chicago
This map illustration was originally designed to serve the Latino Cultural Center in helping students and community members easily find their way to the center. With time, it expanded to include the various UIC Heritage Garden satellites around campus. The map now includes the entirety of the East Campus of UIC and is used to help students find the other seven cultural centers, find specific parking lots, or direct them to other locations.